• We Address Exploitation of Domestic Workers

  • USHAHOS Advocates for Fair Wages and Safety

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    Union of Domestic, Hotels, Restaurants, and Allied Workers of Somalia (USHAHOS)

     stands as a beacon of advocacy and solidarity for workers across various sectors.

    Let's Make Your Garden Beautiful And Green!
    Empowering Workers:

    By advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and equitable treatment

    Vocational Training

    Equips workers with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in their professions.

    Community Outreach

    By fostering a culture of empathy and solidarity, We strengthens the social fabric of communities.

    Advocacy for Social Justice

    We are deeply committed to advocating for broader social justice issues affecting marginalized groups within society

    Collaborative Partnerships

    We understand that addressing complex social issues requires collaboration and partnerships across various sectors.

    Disaster Response

    USHAHOS stands in solidarity with communities affected by natural disasters, conflict, or other emergencies

    About US

    The Union of Domestic, Hotels, Restaurants, and Allied Workers of Somalia (USHAHOS) stands as a beacon of advocacy and solidarity for workers across various sectors. Beyond its primary mission of safeguarding workers’ rights, USHAHOS recognizes the importance of community engagement and social responsibility. This essay delves into USHAHOS’s concerted efforts to build stronger communities through its multifaceted initiatives.

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